Bankruptcy Basics: When Should You Throw in the Towel? - Barron & Barron, LLP Plano Bankruptcy Attorney
Bankruptcy Basics: When Should You Throw in the Towel? - Texas Bankruptcy Attorneys - Barron & Barron Law Firm

Bankruptcy Basics

When Should You Throw in the Towel?

Bankruptcy Basics

When Should You Throw
in the Towel?

Bankruptcy is a very scary proposition. Although scary, bankruptcy for many individuals can provide a huge relief and a way out of debt and a fresh financial start. Whether or not you think filing a bankruptcy is in your best interest depends on an allotment factors and your individual circumstances as well. One of the main things to consider if you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy is which one is right for you, whether it be Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy (the two most common) or another form of bankruptcy.

It’s a good idea to assess your options before deciding if your going to file for a bankruptcy. First thing to do before you file your bankruptcy case, is to think about the types of debt you have and the overall outcome you want to achieve by filing for your bankruptcy. A bankruptcy discharge doesn’t eliminate all types of debt . This basically means that filing for bankruptcy may not always be in your best interest based on your personal situation if all you want to do is wipe out debts that might not be able to be discharged in bankruptcy.

Get the Experienced Texas Bankruptcy Attorney You Deserve!

Are you tired of Debt? Are you behind on your house, vehicle, and other secured debts? Don’t let bankruptcy fears paralyze you and keep you from getting the legal relief you need. Federal law can allow you an opportunity to save your home and cure your mortgage arrears through a repayment plan. Federal law can allow you to restructure your vehicle notes. Federal law may allow you to eliminate your credit card debt by filing for bankruptcy!

Our Law Firm will analyze each financial situation and help determine which Chapter is best for you. We have helped thousands get rid of, reduce, and/or reorganize their debt the right way AND the best way for each individual situation.

Barron & Barron, LLP has filed more bankruptcy cases than any other attorney in the Eastern District of Texas in the last 24 years. We have over 60 combined years in the Bankruptcy field. One of our cases has even reached the United States Supreme Court. We have had numerous cases presented to the United States Fifth Circuit. We will fight to protect your rights to give you the best results.

Don’t Face Your Financial Troubles Alone

Call Barron and Barron Today!

  • (972) 422-9377

Stop Your . . .

  • Foreclosures
  • Car Repossessions
  • Creditor Calls & Harassment
  • Wage Garnishment
  • Lawsuits
  • Overdrafts

Lower Your Loans

  • Car Loans
  • Furniture Loans
  • Appliance Loans


  • Credit Card Debt
  • Medical Bills
  • Signature Loans
  • IRS Taxes
  • Judgments
  • Payday Loans

Keep Your Possessions

  • Your Home
  • Your Car
  • Your Wages & Retirements

TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR DEBT! Call or visit today.

Our attorneys have over 30 years of
Bankruptcy Law experience.

What makes Barron & Barron Law Firm the Right Choice? Barron & Barron Bankruptcy Attorneys in Plano Texas
Barron & Barron, LLP Plano Bankruptcy Attorney
Which Bankruptcy Is Right For You? - Barron & Barron, LLP Plano Bankruptcy Attorney
Do not ignore your financial problems - talk to Barron Bankruptcy Attorneys today!